Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Works Cited

O’Meara Sarah. “Child Help; Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse.” Child Help Organization Webpage. Online. Internet. 16 Jan. 2008. Available.

Guttmacher Allan Institute. “Induced Abortion.” Facts in Brief. Online. Internet. 16 Jan. 2008. Available:

Crutcher Chris. Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003

Child Abuse ~stop it now!~

Did you know, every day 4 kids die of abuse, and three out of those four are under the age of four years old? It’s true, and sadly, child abuse is becoming a larger and larger problem in the U.S. Every year about 906,000 children are abused and/or neglected, 1,500 of those children die from the abuse. There are a few main types of child abuse, neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse are all common among victimized children.
There are many different signs that a child is being abused, that you can be on the lookout for.

Signs of Physical Abuse:
1.Unexplained burns, cuts, bruises, or welts in the shape of an object
2. Bite marks
3. Anti-social behavior
4. Problems in school
5. Fear of adults

Signs of Emotional Abuse:
1. Apathy
2. Depression
3. Hostility or stress
4. Lack of concentration
5. Eating disorders

Signs of Sexual Abuse:
1. Inappropriate interest or knowledge of sexual acts
2. Nightmares and bed wetting
3. Drastic changes in appetite
4. Over compliance or excessive aggression
5. Fear of a particular person or family member

Signs of Neglect:
1. Unsuitable clothing for weather
2. Dirty or unbathed
3. Extreme hunger
4. Apparent lack of supervision

Please, if you or a child you know is showing these signs get help immediately. There is no excuse for abuse and it needs to be stopped right away. If you do need help please call a hot line such as 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). Help a life be saved or save your own, abuse is wrong and disgusting. The child has done nothing wrong, in most cases they or between 0-4 years old. Innocent children are being harmed every day. Are you willing to stand by and let another life be tortured? I know I’m not.

Six Traits +1 evaluation

Six Traits +1 of Writing:

Chris Crutcher does an extremely well-done job in Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, using the Six +1 traits of writing. Obviously traits such as organization and presentation are followed to the T in his novels, because they are published. His ideas and content, although a little controversial, are amazing. He brings up issues such as abortion and child abuse that most people would tend to avoid writing about. Not only does he bring up these issues but he also discusses them thoroughly throughout the novel. He gives you both sides of the story and makes sure you know exactly where he stands too.
Just like his ideas Crutcher’s voice is incredible and unique. He shares his honest opinion and gives hints about his teenage years. Things like Eric being on the swim team and having classes that discuss issues in school are all things he most likely went through as a young man. Also, Crutcher’s word choice is extremely descriptive and real. For example, when Eric is running from Virgil Byrnes he says, “The headlights cast my eerie blurred shadow in front me, as I push my exhausted frame down the middle of the street before cutting to the sidewalk. I glance desperately around for an alley, any place I can cut into the neighborhood to get off the street, and run straight down the sidewalk with one eye on the driver’s side door, knowing if he jumps out I’ll leave him in the dust. If he doesn’t drive up on the sidewalk to pick me off, I’ll be safe until I get downtown.” (Crutcher prologue). He uses slang and even a few curse words thrown in. These words make the plot more believable to the reader and pull them in. Finally the Crutcher’s sentence fluency is obviously well written. The sentences flow from one to the other just like a young man or woman actually speaks. Again, using slang and even cuss words made it that much more believable for the audience.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Plot Summary, Setting, and Character Descriptions

Plot Summary, Setting, and Character description and development
Sarah Byrnes was burned as a young child, and the story that was told, was that she had pulled a pot of spaghetti on herself. But now the truth is finally coming out. One day Sarah just stopped talking, she was completely unresponsive and was taken to the Psych Ward. Her best friend Eric Calhoune is worried for her and tries to help. Every day he goes to talk with Sarah and get her to speak, and every day she sits unmoving and silent. He is about to give up hope when he remembers a childhood acquaintance of Sarah’s that may be able to help, Dale Thornton. Finally Dale uncovers the truth about Sarah’s burns, he tells Eric that she had been subject to abuse by her father all her life, and it was him who burned her.
When Eric shares his suspicions with Sarah he finally breaks her silence. She begins to tell him everything and Eric is ready to help. He finds her a place to stay with a close teacher and friend, Ms. Lemry. Lemry gets in on the mission and puts her own time and money into helping Sarah also. They figure the only way to get Sarah’s father locked up is to find Sarah’s long lost mother who ran away after Sarah was burned. They find her in Reno, but she refuses to come and testify against her ex husband. She claims she is too weak and scared.
Finally one night after swim practice Eric gets in his car to go home. Little does he know Virgil, Sarah’s father, is waiting for him. He jumps from the back seat pulling a knife and tells Eric to tell him where Sarah is. Eric refuses and Virgil presses the knife deeper into Eric’s face. Then, Eric escapes by crashing the car and running. He and Virgil begin a chase of life or death and just when he thinks he is safe, Virgil appears again. This time more enraged than before, Eric obeys and tells him where Sarah is and when he runs away Virgil throws a knife in his shoulder! Luckily he is saved but the price he pays is Sarah’s safety.
When Sarah and Ms. Lemry return home Virgil still hasn’t been found. A few days later, Carver, Eric’s mother’s boyfriend tells them he must go on a business trip. But in reality he has gone to find Mr. Byrnes. He finds him in his house, amazingly, the one place police hadn’t searched! But when he tries to apprehend him, of course Byrnes fights back. Carver ends up physically assaulting him, but at least gets him caught. Carver got off almost scotch free while Virgil, on the other hand, has mounting charges against him. The story ends as Sarah is adopted by Ms. Lemry not more than 24 hours before her 18th birthday. All of the friends finish their senior year and move off to college.

The setting of Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes is a small town somewhere near Reno, Nevada. The name of the town is never actually mentioned in the story but you can assume by the text clues. Also there is a worse part of this town where the poverty levels are much higher, this is where Dale lives.
Character Description:

Sarah Byrnes: A main Character who’s best friends with Eric Calhoune. She was severely burned as a young child, and now her secrets are being revealed to the rest of the world. After a lifetime of abuse she is finally reaching out for help from friends.
Eric Calhoune: A main character who’s best friends with Sarah Byrnes. He is trying to help Sarah figure out her life and get help to save herself from her abusive past. All this, while balancing a high school swimming career and young love!
Virgil Byrnes: Sarah Byrnes’ father who has abused her all her life. He originally abused Sarah’s mother, but when she fled Sarah was his new victim.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blog #3- Alternate Ending

Spoiler Alert!! If you have not yet read the ending of Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, DO NOT read this blog.

In the end of this novel Sarah attempts to run away again. She decided that the only way to keep her loved ones safe was to leave and never let her father find her again. So she stops by the hospital to say goodbye to Eric and then leaves. Then Eric breaks out of the hospital and calls Lemry so that they can stop Sarah from leaving. They find her at the Amtrak station and pull her back in the car with them. They convince her to stay and that everybody will be safe. A few days later Carver tells Eric and his mom he has to go on a business trip but that’s far from the case. He goes to Virgil’s house and finds him. He assaults him but catches him and brings him to the police. In the end Sarah is adopted by Ms. Lemry and Carver gets off the hook. It’s a happy ending to a sad story.
In my opinion the ending of this story would have been much more entertaining if there was more drama like the rest of the book. It seems that in the end, Crutcher just got tired and made it end quickly with little detail. If the reader could have been let in on Carver’s little secret or what actually happened in Reno while it was happening it would have been more interesting. Also the whole chase with Virgil and Eric seems a little unrealistic to me. It just doesn’t seem like that would really ever happen to a teen in real life.
However I do like the “happy” ending to the whole situation. I agree with the author’s choice to make it all work out in the end. If he had let Virgil go or someone had died it just wouldn’t have been as satisfying.

Blog # 2- Suicide

Blog # 2- Suicide

Suicide is a very serious issue among teens today. Whether it be the stress of school and friends, depression, or any other concern in daily life it affects many teenagers. Over 30,000 people die from suicides every year in America. It is the third leading cause of death for those among the ages of 15-24. Think about it, teenagers who are supposed to be enjoying the “best years of their lives” are so depressed and suicidal that death seems to be the only way out.
For those of you who are suicidal or have loved ones who you think may be here are some of the warning signs. If your loved one or yourself is unusually withdrawn, depressed, pessimistic, or hopeless these are some of the moods that could correspond with suicide. Also if they start drinking more and/or turn to other drugs, or has had recent impulses to take unnecessary risks. Obviously if they are threatening suicide or showing a strong wish to die this is a MAJOR sign and you should seek help immediately. Even if they are resistant or deny being depressed, chances are what you have noticed is real and you could save their life by getting them help.
If you think you or someone you love may be suicidal here is what you should do to help. If it is yourself you are worried about, do not be afraid to seek help immediately. It’s okay to ask to talk or get therapy. If it is your loved one you are worried about remember to take everything they say seriously. Be willing to listen to what they have to say and ask them what’s on their mind or troubling them. Don’t attempt to argue anyone out of committing suicide, this could just make the situation worse. Rather let them know you care and tell them things like, “you have so much to live for” or “do you know how much this will hurt your family?” If this is an immediate danger then don’t be afraid to take your loved one to a hospital or walk in clinic. If that option isn’t available just call your local emergency number or the suicide hotline, 1-800-273- lets talk.
In the Chris Crutcher novel Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes one of the supporting characters, Mark Brittan tries to take his own life. Eric and his friend Ellerby had always picked on him but they didn’t think it bothered him so much. He was always preaching the word of God and telling how abortion was so bad. When in reality he had made his own girlfriend get an abortion. One day she decided to tell her secret to the class and it sent Mark over the edge. He couldn’t handle the pressure and emotion. He thought the only way out was suicide, but luckily he was brought to a hospital in time to save his life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog #1- Abortion

Blog 1- Abortion

In Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, Eric takes a class called Contemporary American Thought. The class focuses on modern day issues having to do with the general population. They discuss things such as abortion and shame. The topic of Abortion is one that was really interesting to read about. You hear both sides of this controversial story.
First, the group that was con abortion tells their side about how abortion is murder and will not be forgiven by God. They tell how if a woman commits fornication then she has the obligation to carry the child to term. They say it is not right whether or not the woman can provide for the child or keep the child from danger. Little do we know Mark Brittan the leader of this group, is being a complete hypocrite. Jody, his former girlfriend has finally told her deepest secret. She has had an abortion, and Mark made her do it. He told her it was okay because he was so devoted he would be an exception to God. Jody had begged him to let her keep the baby, she even offered to go away to have it, but Mark refused. Jody finally gave in and got the abortion and you know what? Mark didn’t even accompany her to the appointment. He dropped her off because he didn’t want people to know about his mistake!
Then the other group of students that are prochoice share their argument. They say that fearing God should have nothing to do with the argument. That if the woman knows she will not be able to raise this child with a quality life that it deserves then it’s ok to abort the pregnancy. They claim that if God was taken out of the whole issue that the con abortion group would have no choice but to accept that abortion wasn’t wrong. There are already millions of children that are homeless or in foster care that need good homes. Why bring another child into this world that is just going to suffer the same? They claim it is not murder but only prevention of suffering and pain.
The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the western world. But despite this our teens are not more sexually active than Swedish, Canadian, or British teens! 1 million teens will become pregnant in the next 12 months. 95% of those pregnancies will be unintended. About 1/3 will end in abortion, 1/3 will end in a miscarriage, and the other 1/3 will carry their child to term and keep the baby. About 40% of young women will become pregnant before the age of 20.
I don’t know about you but this just makes me mad. No man should have the right to tell a woman she has to give up her child. It’s as much hers if not more than it is his. Don’t get me wrong in my opinion all women should have the right to choose but if she wants to keep her child then no one should be able to tell her she can’t! It’s her body and I don’t care how much the man “loves her”, she is the only one that should have the final say. Share your ideas on abortion, what do you think about it? What are you reasons for thinking so? Finally, if God was not an issue where would you stand?